Dental Implants in North Edmonton | Dental Implants Near You

Dental Implants in North Edmonton

Dental Implants Near You

If you have teeth that are damaged or missing, dental implants in Edmonton offer an excellent solution. Whether you need to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even a full set of teeth, dental implants provide a durable and natural-looking restoration option. Get in touch with us to schedule a complimentary consultation with our team and learn how dental implants in Edmonton can transform your smile.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants look, feel, and function like natural teeth and can be used to replace one or more missing teeth, support a dental bridge or denture, or improve the fit and stability of removable dentures.

Benefits of Dental Implants

While it is important to discuss all available options with your dentist in Edmonton, exploring the benefits of using dental implants is certainly worth considering.

  • Natural Look

Getting dental implants near you is a popular choice because they are renowned for their ability to provide natural-looking restorations. Each implant and crown is meticulously designed to replicate the appearance of natural teeth, resulting in a more appealing and self-assured smile.

  • Natural Feel

Titanium implants are engineered to be robust, lightweight, and biocompatible, providing a permanent and secure attachment that feels natural while chewing. The crowns are also designed for long-term use and durability, ensuring that you can chew normally without worrying about wearing them out.

  • Natural Speech

It is likely you will experience an instant enhancement in your speech, allowing you to speak with greater clarity and confidence.

  • Improved Chewing Ability

You can regain your ability to chew effectively, allowing you to enjoy your food and maintain a healthier diet.

  • Alternative for Denture Wearers

These permanently implanted dentures are more convenient since they don’t need to be removed for cleaning and don’t slip or fall out, reducing irritation to your gum tissue. You can also say goodbye to messy dental adhesives.

What is the Procedure?

At Henday Dental, we ensure that getting dental implants in Edmonton is a streamlined process. Before beginning, you will receive a thorough explanation of the procedure. Typically, the process involves three appointments:

  • During the initial visit, your dentist will remove any damaged or missing teeth that are being replaced, if required.
  • The second step entails the placement of the implant. Using impressions and scans, the dentist will create a three-dimensional image of your teeth and gums to design the crown.
  • Finally, once the implant has fully healed, which usually takes six to 12 weeks, the crown is affixed to the implant, completing the procedure.

How Do I Take Care of Dental Implants?

  • Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to ensure the longevity of your dental implants. Just like natural teeth, implants require regular cleaning through brushing and flossing daily.
  • You will also be provided with specific instructions on how to properly care for your implants.
  • It’s also crucial to have regular dental checkups to ensure that your implants are secure and your bite is properly aligned.

How Long do Dental Implants Last?

A properly cared-for dental crown can thrive for a decade or more, whereas an implant post can endure for 25 years or potentially a lifetime.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

Comprehensive clinical research has revealed the remarkable long-term efficacy of dental implants, exhibiting an exceptional success rate of 90% to 95% or even surpassing it, in the upper jaw as well was the lower jaw.

This remarkable success rate guarantees an effective and trouble-free tooth replacement. Visit Henday Dental for your free consultation about receiving dental implants near you today!
